Pride Rotterdam: Join us at the pride march!

🏳️‍🌈Proud Together🏳️‍🌈

On Saturday 25 September, during Rotterdam Pride, join the annual pride march and make some noise for equal rights and more acceptance of the LGBTIQ+ community worldwide! During a peaceful march, we’ll make it clear to the people of Rotterdam, politics and the world: Love is love, no matter someone’s sexuality or (gender) identity.
Recent incidents in the Netherlands show once again that inclusion and acceptance can and should be improved! So bring all your friends, family and allies and bring banners, flags and lots of love.
Together we show our pride for each other and for the community worldwide. Proud Together!

🏳️‍🌈Practical info🏳️‍🌈

11.00 Gathering and manifestation at City Hall
12.00 Pride March (route follows)
14.00 End

To keep it safe and fun for everyone, we ask you to respect each other’s space (1.5m) and respect everyone.
